
Phone Numbers

  • Mental Health Line (for information and access to mental health services – this is not a crisis counselling service): 1800 011 511
  • Suicide Call Back Service (24 hours) Professional counselling service for anyone affected by suicide. Includes follow-up/call back service: 1300 659 467
  • StandBy Support (North Coast NSW 24 hours) For people bereaved by suicide: 0417 119 298
  • National Indigenous Critical Response Service (usually operates 24 hrs 7 days) Supports individuals, families and communities affected by suicide or other significant trauma 1800 805 801
  • ACON Health Northern Rivers Free Counselling (Mon-Fri 9-5pm) for adults who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) and people living with HIV. Up to 12 free counselling sessions a year with no referral needed 02 6622 1555
  • Alcohol Drug Information Service Anyone who wants access to support, information, advice or crisis counselling or NSW referrals 1800 422 599
  • Anxiety Disorders Information Line (9-5pm Mon-Fri): 1300 794 992
  • Beyond Blue (24 hours) Support for depression: 1300 244 636
  • Health Direct (24 hours) Talk to a Registered Nurse or after hours GP if you concerned about someone’s physical health: 1800 022 222
  • Carers NSW Carer Line (9-5pm Mon-Fri) Information, support and counselling: 1800 242 636
  • Domestic Violence Line Access to counselling, information and referrals for women & same-sex partners 1800 656 463
  • Mental Health Carers Australia (ARAFMI) (9-5pm Mon-Fri) Information, Support and counselling: 1300 554 660
  • INTRA Free alcohol and drug outreach offering individual and group counselling to help people achieve their goals 02 6687 2835
  • Kids Helpline (24 hours) 1800 551 800
  • Mensline (24 hours) 1300 789 978
  • Parent Line (24 hours) 1300 301 300
  • RESPECT National free Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence counselling, information and referrals 1800 656 463
  • SANE Helpline (9-5pm Mon-Fri): Provides information about symptoms, treatment, where to go for help for those suffering with complex mental health needs and support for carers: 1800 187 263
  • Open Arms – Veterans and Families Counselling 1800 011 046

Online Support/Apps
